
After finishing my PhD in Counselling Studies, I had a bit of a crisis. My work was about creativity, the process of creation, finding your true self, and finding spaces between where creativity and the concrete world can meet.

I felt my ideas had reached their maximum complexity, and I did not feel like doing more. I did not feel like teaching and writing papers, so I dedicated myself to my practice.

I took my time out of the academic mindset, but I have been learning non-stop and felt the itch to learn something new, so I started learning how to program out of curiosity. That path led me to learn Django, a web framework that made this site possible.

Almost avoiding it, I started writing some notes about my practice, little insights that slowly started to shape into something different from what I knew. I trained in an integrative approach, but I did not feel happy with the idea of integration; it seemed too rigid and rational.

What if I could write something different, more playful, more about the process each therapist goes through without sacrificing the knowledge we have accumulated?

That is how the profiles emerged as a new but old way of describing therapy. The positions are based on the main traditions, but with a little twist, they open the possibility of moving between them.

This project does not aim to reinvent the knowledge but to put it together differently in a way that can be creative, like transitional objects, like the creation discovery that Winnicott saw in children's games.

I hope this tells you a bit about me as a person and a therapist. The site has been built from beginning to end by a therapist, which has allowed me to be playful, to open sections on the go, and to try them out.

I hope you can use it and send me some feedback so we can do it even better.
