Profile Test Client
This is a little test to help you reflect about your preferred positions of care and other areas of life.
It is composed of questions regarding some preferences that add up to shape a profile connected with therapeutic traditions. It can help you find the type of therapist you may be looking for.
You can review previous tests and see your scores to have a more nuanced sense.
The idea is for it to be flexible, and for it to be representative of yourself (let me know if it does not). I hope it can help you as a mirror that keeps track of your process.
As a reference you can use the bellow numbers.
- Bellow 40% is disagreement
- Between 40% and 60% its neutral
- Between 60% and 80% its a clear preference
- Between 80% and 100% its your preferred view
👉 This test aims to help you reflect on your positions. It does not have algorithms behind (only adds two sliders). You can come back and move the sliders to find what feels right.